Aerospace, Energy Weapons, Cyber threats research & analysis


  • Drone / UAV / Airship Manufacturer
  • Cyber Forensic / Cyber Law
  • Satellite communication & Electronics
  • One million connections messaging, controlling, operation, push notifications with delivery receipt,  GPS & tracking server

    Solution for highly scalable  messaging and push server. Complete solution for chat, messaging, notification, device data control across devices and platforms.


    Can handle more than 10,000 request per second
    Universal push/notification system for Android(enterprise & non enterprise solutions) and iOS(only for enterprise solutions)
    Easy integration within 30 minutes and ready to GO LIVE !!!
    Works out of the box
    Get list of online devices at any point.
    No load on database server
    Remotely control the data on the end-users app
    Used for analytical purposes


    Health industry for real time medical data monitoring.
    Social communication
    Industrial control systems and automation
    Home automation
    Operate, moniter  & track
    Check for online devices, machines, robots, automobiles and many more
    Scope is unlimited

    Development solutions for mobile apps & web apps

    Make the developers life easy
    Easy push notification integration across all major platforms
    Fast integration
    Acknowledgement facility

    The ultimate solution for all these questions , problems and requirements:

    1. ios push notification delivery report
    2. android push notification delivery report
    3. android list of delivered push notification
    4. ios list of delivered push notification
    5. iphone list of delivered push notification
    6. GCM list of delivered push notification
    7. APN list of delivered push notification
    8. APN API to get the list of delivered push notification
    9. GCM API to get the list of delivered push notification
    10. Get list of online users on Android
    11. Get list of online users on iPhone
    12. Check android users is connected to internet 
    13. Check iphone users is connected to internet 
    14. php to check iphone users is connected to internet 
    15. php to check android users is connected to internet 
    16. dot net to check iphone users is connected to internet